Prisma + neon cold starts taking 11-12s

I’m having an issue with my first queries after the db going idle taking about 11s to 12s which is causing my vercel app to timeout as I am using SSR.

Is there a way to speed these up? I’ve

  • changed prisma to version 4.14.1
  • made my vercel functions work from Singapore (southeast) sin1 and my neon instance is currently singapore
  • enabled jsonProtocol in prisma

the query is quite small and when warmed up it works wonderfully. As long as I can get it under 10 seconds and not have it time out that would be very ideal.

Hi @damonphilipross,

I’m sorry to hear you are having issues connecting to your database.

Can you please email your project-id to so we can have a look at it?

cheers replied to your email

Hi !
@Raouf_Chebri I believe it’s a general problem not specific to @damonphilipross. Could you share your answer to Damon?
Thank you

Hi @Leonard_Henriquez,

Do you experience slower cold starts?

We noticed an increase in compute cold start time in regions in Europe and Asia from 3 to 5 seconds, which caused the issues @damonphilipross was facing.

The issue was fixed, and the cold starts are now back to ~3 seconds.