Main branch always active

I have a long run server with remix app using prisma.

I found out that my main branch is always active. It should be suspend after 5 mins without any connections.

Any ideas?

Hmm, that’s definitely odd. What kind of app are you building?

Also, do you mind sharing your project ID? Perhaps it could be something on our end

Here is my project Id: steep-haze-651550
I’m not sure why this is occurring. I’d like to debug to identify any API calls in my application that are constantly querying the database. Do you know how I can check? Are there any logs in Neon I can examine?
My application is a standard admin web application.


I’d like to debug to identify any API calls in my application that are constantly querying the database. Do you know how I can check?

You can check the network tab in your browser’s devtools and see if there are any requests being sent to your API. Alternatively, you can add a logging solution and check how often you send a request to a specific API endpoint.

Currently, we’re not exposing any logs when querying a Neon database.

Btw, do you not see a suspend_compute operation when visiting the operations page for your project?

Trying to understand the suspend_compute.
You can see the suspend_compute happens 9:49pm on Jun 21, but the main still showing Active on Jun 24.

So I just checked your project, and it seems that the compute endpoint goes from idle-> active normally. So perhaps this is an issue with the data we’re displaying in the console itself :thinking:

Do you mind sharing a screenshot of the operations page for your project? You can click on the “show all” button in the operations widget or going to “Operations” from the sidebar

Here is the screenshots

Hey, the last suspend_compute in the operations list doesn’t necessary belong to the main branch. From your screenshots I see that you actively create and delete branches. And each deletion does two things

  • suspend compute on it (suspend_compute operation)
  • and delete branch (delete_timeline operations)

That’s what you see. I checked the compute on your main branch and at the time of writing this it’s active and the last operation is start_compute, which is correct.

Also note that in the list of operations you provided Branch column is empty, because branches were deleted already. Operations on the main branch, which is still there, will have main with a link to the branch in this column.

@ololobus @Mahmoud thanks for the help. I found out the issue. It is my application. Sorry for the trouble

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