I am trying to run migration using Prisma, but after running the command I got this error.
Error: P3006
Migration `20230622214122_adding_vector_store_to_db` failed to apply cleanly to the shadow database.
db error: ERROR: type "vector" does not exist
0: sql_schema_connector::validate_migrations
with namespaces=None
at schema-engine/connectors/sql-schema-connector/src/lib.rs:312
1: schema_core::state::DevDiagnostic
at schema-engine/core/src/state.rs:270
Hello Mahmoud,
Thanks for the prompt response. Yes I used shadowDatabaseUrl and postgresqlExtensions preview feature. Please check out my model in my Prisma.schemafile below:
datasource db {
provider = "postgresql"
url = env("DATABASE_URL")
shadowDatabaseUrl = env("SHADOW_DATABASE_URL")
directUrl = env("DIRECT_URL")
generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
previewFeatures = ["postgresqlExtensions"]
model Account {
id String @id @default(cuid())
userId String
type String
provider String
providerAccountId String
refresh_token String? @db.Text
access_token String? @db.Text
expires_at Int?
token_type String?
scope String?
id_token String? @db.Text
session_state String?
user User @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
@@unique([provider, providerAccountId])
model Session {
id String @id @default(cuid())
sessionToken String @unique
userId String
expires DateTime
user User @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
model User {
id String @id @default(cuid())
userId String? @unique
name String? //Social Auth Login - revisit later
externalId String?
Username String?
firstName String?
profileImage String?
emailVerified String?
role String?
image String?
lastName String?
email String @unique
// emailtool EmailTool[]
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt
Accounts Account[]
Sessions Session[]
So you are saying to remove the shadowDatabaseUrl?
So, I just created a brand new database, configured .env and prisma.schema file with the connection strings, removed the shadowDatabase from .env as well as prisma.schema file and still got the error both when I commented out and uncommented out the previewFeatures = ["postgresqlExtensions"]:
Error: P3006
Migration `20230622214122_adding_vector_store_to_db` failed to apply cleanly to the shadow database.
db error: ERROR: type "vector" does not exist
0: sql_schema_connector::validate_migrations
with namespaces=None
at schema-engine/connectors/sql-schema-connector/src/lib.rs:312
1: schema_core::state::DevDiagnostic
at schema-engine/core/src/state.rs:270
Hello Mahmoud,
Thanks again for the response. I did run the CREATE EXTENSION vector; as suggested, and the issue still persists, please checkout the Loom cast: [Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software | Loom] to see if something is missing.
Also, reading up on the neon docs for connecting - You mentioned above that we don’t need to use the shadowDatabaseUrl any longer, but I have this still on there:
// prisma/schema.prisma
datasource db {
provider = "postgresql"
url = env("DATABASE_URL")
directUrl = env("DIRECT_URL")
// If you want to use Prisma Migrate, you will need to manually create a shadow database
// https://neon.tech/docs/guides/prisma-migrate#configure-a-shadow-database-for-prisma-migrate
// make sure to append ?connect_timeout=10 to the connection string
// shadowDatabaseUrl = env(“SHADOW_DATABASE_URL”)
Please advice if this might be the reason of the issues I’m facing. Please note that the frontend is deployed on Vercel.