How to configure sslmode in Sequelize?

This is my config file for Sequelize:

staging: {
    username: process.env.DB_USER,
    password: process.env.DB_PASSWORD,
    database: process.env.DB_NAME,
    host: process.env.DB_HOST,
    dialect: "postgres",
    native: true,
    ssl: "require", // not working
    dialectOptions: {
      project: "demo-db",
    pool: {
      max: 5,
      min: 0,
      acquire: 30000,
      idle: 10000,

What is the right way to config in Sequelize to set sslmode=require?

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Hi, I found that this works. Please try it and let us know.

dialectOptions: {
    ssl: {
    require: true

@Daniel thanks for the reply. But getting a new error now:

I am looking at this for the first time myself. With that in mind, here’s a couple of options to try:

  1. Use rejectUnauthorized: false
 dialectOptions: {
    ssl: {
      require: true,
      rejectUnauthorized: false, // <-- Add this line

This essentially disables SSL/TLS certificate validation, which is not recommended from a security perspective.

  1. Specify a root cert file, as in this example:
const { Sequelize } = require('sequelize');
const fs = require('fs');

// Read the certificate file (use the correct path for your certificate file)
const rootCert = fs.readFileSync('/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt');

const sequelize = new Sequelize('postgres://<user>:<password>', {
  dialectOptions: {
    ssl: {
      require: true,
      ca: rootCert, // Use the root certificate

We provide some information here about the location of cert files on different operating systems: Connect to Neon securely — Neon Docs

The cert file path used in the example above is for my Ubuntu machine.

Let us know if you get it working.

rejectUnauthorized: false solves the issue. Here is my complete config for anyone coming in search for Sequelize:

username: process.env.DB_USER,
    password: process.env.DB_PASSWORD,
    database: process.env.DB_NAME,
    host: process.env.DB_HOST,
    dialect: "postgres",
    native: true,
    dialectOptions: {
      project: "bb-core-demo-db",
      ssl: {
        require: true,
        rejectUnauthorized: false,
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i got TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘Client’) after using native: true
here is my object that i use

const { DB_HOST, DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD,DB_SSL_IS } = process.env;

module.exports = {
  development: {
    username: DB_USER,
    password: DB_PASSWORD,
    database: DB_NAME,
    host: DB_HOST,
    dialect: 'postgres',
    native: true,
    dialectOptions: {
      ssl: {
        require: DB_SSL_IS,
        rejectUnauthorized: false,

if i dont set native, i got something like ConnectionError [SequelizeConnectionError]: Common name inferred from SNI (‘host’) is not known

fixed guys, there is some typo in hostname, and i move native: true to ssl

      ssl: {
        require: DB_SSL_IS,
        native: true,
        rejectUnauthorized: false,

this solution worked for me. so I set my Sequelize configuration like this

import { Sequelize } from "sequelize";
import config from "../config/db.config.js";

const sequelize = new Sequelize(config.DB, config.DB_USER, config.DB_PASSWORD, {
    host: config.HOST,
    dialect: config.dialect,
    logging: false,
    dialectOptions: {
        project: config.ENDPOINT_ID,
        ssl: {
            require: true,
            rejectUnauthorized: false,
    pool: {
        max: config.pool.max,
        min: config.pool.min,
        acquire: config.pool.acquire,
        idle: config.pool.idle,

export default sequelize;

my imported config file

import dotenv from 'dotenv';

const config = {
    dialect: "postgres",
    pool: {
        max: 5,
        min: 0,
        acquire: 30000,
        idle: 20000

export default config;

Thanks again buddy