How high degree of consistency read replicas provide

Read-write and read-only compute instances read data from a single source, ensuring a high degree of data consistency

I found this, but it says that Neon read replicas are asynchronous, so I wanna know if it’s strong consistency.

It seems there are two ways to make reading strong consistent,

  • When read from read-only replica, read WAL(small than the start point of the read transaction) + page-server
  • When RW commits a transaction, make sure that the WAL of that transaction is “propagated” to read-replicas

but I can’t find things in Neon document.

pls correct me if I misunderstood anything, thank you.

Hey @Pengfei_Wang, welcome! :wave:

it says that Neon read replicas are asynchronous, so I wanna know if it’s strong consistency.

Neon read replicas are asynchronous, which means they’re eventually consistent. I’ll make sure we update the docs to mention this explicitly.

Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions :smile:

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