Hibernate cannot create operate DDL commands on the remote server

An app built with Hibernate runs perfectly, logs generated DDL commands on the console. But it does not operate those commands on the remote server at all.

Please assist me if I am missing something important. Thanks in advance.

This is the snippet from the console:

Hibernate: create table messages (id int8 generated by default as identity, date date, message_id int4, text varchar(255), user_id int8, primary key (id))
Hibernate: create table todos (id int8 generated by default as identity, completed_state int4, created_at timestamp, description varchar(255), importance_state int4, is_done boolean, title varchar(255), user_id int8, primary key (id))
Hibernate: create table users (id int8 generated by default as identity, adding_status varchar(255), authentication_status varchar(255), chat_id int8, current_todo_id int8, first_name varchar(255), last_name varchar(255), phone varchar(255), user_telegram_id int8, username varchar(255), primary key (id))
Hibernate: alter table if exists users drop constraint if exists UK_nr2rmfhq6wfp39vcduy7iketb
Hibernate: alter table if exists users add constraint UK_nr2rmfhq6wfp39vcduy7iketb unique (chat_id)
Hibernate: alter table if exists messages add constraint FKpsmh6clh3csorw43eaodlqvkn foreign key (user_id) references users
Hibernate: alter table if exists todos add constraint FK9605g76a1dggbvs18f2r80gvu foreign key (user_id) references users