Extension Request: Nanoid

Hey folks! I was wondering if it would be possible to support nanoid-postgres as an extension: GitHub - viascom/nanoid-postgres: Nano ID for PostgreSQL. We’re in the process of migrating away from UUIDs, and this would save us from a bunch of user-land code. Thanks :slight_smile:

Hey @Steven_Recarb, welcome!

We already support pgcrypto, so you can copy the contents of this file and run it in the Neon SQL editor.

Does this solution work for you?

I’ve tried this code, but I need to be superuser. How can I do that?

It’s related to the LEAKPROOF option when creating the function. If you remove this parameter, the function will be created.

Shouldnt I be able to simply add this parameter? And what would be the impact for the DB? I understand its PG specific, but my knowledge on this is limited :stuck_out_tongue: thanks for the quick answer btw