Detailed Metrics?

Given a specific branch, i’d love to be able to view much compute (Memory and CPU) is currently being used, as well as the ability to view metrics for Last 30 min, 1 hour, 1 day, etc (As a graph).

Where do I see how much compute size is being used/currently active? For example I can see that my auto scaling is set to 0.25-2CU, but what is my current compute size (if I want to look it up on the dashboard)?

I understand that it’s a Serverless product and these are things we shouldn’t have to worry about, but i’d still like to have some insight into usage/metrics :slight_smile:


I wouldn’t necessarily call this “Metrics”. “Usage” yes, but definitely not metrics :stuck_out_tongue:


Hey @helloitsme, welcome!

Exposing detailed metrics for compute endpoints is something we plan on supporting but we don’t have an exact ETA yet.

Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions :smile:

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Sounds good. At the very least, for the time being, can the current compute size currently active be shown in each row if we have autoscaling enabled?

I’ll share your feedback with our Product team

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