Compute constantly running

I an currently working with a Next.js App, a Node API using PostGraphile. This morning I ran a GH action which took about .5 hours of compute time and have done nothing else since. My App and API are both in development so I don’t imagine are being visited but something is constantly triggering activity in my DB.

At around 8am I was at 1.2 hours of compute, and since then haven’t done anything but am now at 8.8 hours of compute time. Here is a screenshot of the logs.

Has anyone else experienced something like this? This is my first time working with a cloud DB so is this just the way it works? Any help or advice here would be greatly appreciated!

Hey @Codykilpatrick,

I was able to reproduce this behavior. Postgraphile prevents the Neon compute from scaling down to zero after 5 minutes of inactivity. That’s why your project’s compute is always running

Good morning Mahmoud! Yeah I think that is it! Postgraphile has a watch mode that I disabled and let run for a few hours and we are looking good! Thank you for the response!