Add sslmode=require to connection string?

It seems like an oversight not to have ?sslmode=require appended to the connection string?

Is it?

And if it is, could you guys add it?


We’ve now added sslmode=require to our connection strings:

I’m running a django backend with sqlAlchemy and pg8000 and every time I try to interact with my neon PostgreSQL database i get this error File "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\Lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\", line 615, in connect return self.loaded_dbapi.connect(*cargs, **cparams) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ TypeError: connect() got an unexpected keyword argument 'ssl'

How can I fix it please, I think it’s because sslMode is set to require.


I just tested pg8000 with SSL enabled with this .py test script and it worked. Hope there’s something here that helps.

import pg8000.native

def test_pg8000_connection():
    db_config = {
        'user': 'daniel',
        'password': 'abcd12345',
        'host': '',
        'database': 'neondb',
        'port': '5432',  # Default PostgreSQL port
        'ssl_context': True,  # Enable SSL

        conn = pg8000.native.Connection(**db_config)
        print("Successfully connected to the database")

        cursor ="SELECT version();")
        for row in cursor:
            print("Database version:", row[0])


    except Exception as e:
        print("Error while connecting to PostgreSQL:", e)
